Industrial Technical Artist
Summer Internship:
3D Graphics
Unreal Engine
Group Project
School Projects:
Personal Projects
Degree Project
Work Experience
Internship (LIA)
Course: 3D grapic
Programs used: Blender (python)
The Elements panel
I call the addon I made with Blenders scripting function, with Python, The Four Elements. This addon creates the elements - earth, water, air and fire - by selecting the mesh you want and then clicking the button for the element material you want to add on the mesh.
Example setup
When I created this I wanted it to be simple for the users so they did not have to download the materials with the addon, instead the materials get created in the shader from scratch each time the button is clicked.
Fire material code
If I had done this again or worked more on it - I would like to implement a function that searches if this button already has been pressed (if the material with this name already exists). And if this is true - if it exists - the material wouldn't be created again but would instead use that material on the mesh. This could prevent unnecessary setups of materials.
Code for the panel set up